Support us in our goal to raise $25,000 before the end of 2024! To donate you can:
The Hítx'i Sáani ("Little Houses" in Lingít) Community is a permanent supportive housing development, located on Alaska Mental Health Trust Land at the end of Jarvis Street and consisting of 12 units with a services building. Hítx'i Sáani will not only provide a home and community to the chronically homeless, but also support services such as employment help, behavioral health services, and support in applying to external services and benefits.
Want to join the SHC volunteer force? Let us know! A strong team of volunteers meets weekly and tackles key projects to make the SHC vision a reality for our community, and we could always use more hands! Right now, some of our biggest priorities are fundraising, outreach, and support in our ongoing programing. To volunteer, please fill out this Google Form or click below to see how else you can get involved!
The Sitka Homeless Coalition has received support from individuals and organizations committed to offering shelter to our neighbors living outside.
The Hítx'i Sáani Community consists of 12 units, and each can be sponsored for $12,000. To date, eight cabins have been sponsored by Sitka Rotary Club, First Bank, Sitka Moose Lodge, the White Elephant, three individuals, and Sitka Tribe of Alaska-Social Services.
In December of 2022, we received our largest pledge to-date when the US Senate approved a $1 million Congressionally Directed Spending Grant. The appropriation was proposed by Senator Lisa Murkowski, pictured on the right with members of the Sitka Homeless Coalition community.
Thank you to our neighbors and supporters for being a part of our mission!
Sitka Homeless Coalition